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Physicians Suffer From Moral injury, Not Burnout

By Burnout, Guest Post, HealthNo Comments

Burnout has come to be defined as a workplace syndrome from chronic exposure to job-related stress. It is the constellation of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. More than half of physicians report at least one of these symptoms. The consequences of burnout are not just detrimental to physicians themselves, but also the people around them. Loss in productivity, high-risk behavior, disregard for safety procedures, more referrals, additional diagnostic tests and poor care are among the manifestations of physician burnout. Additionally, substance abuse, family breakups, poor health, depression and even suicide may also be extreme consequences of burnout. Burnout does not have to manifest by these catastrophic events; it can show up in small ways. Some of the subtler indicators of burnout include anger, aggression, nastiness, snide comments and disrespect for other physicians and health care professionals.

Historically, neurosurgery has been a high-stress medical specialty. As a result, there has been a heightened awareness of the issue over the past several years. Manuscripts addressing burnout in neurosurgery started to appear in 2011, with the many more written in the past three years. Joseph C. Maroon, MD, FAANS, was one of the first neurosurgeons who talked openly about the negative effects a neurosurgeon’s lifestyle has on the body and mind, his challenges and the changes he made. Dr. Maroon argues that a balanced life is needed to thrive as a neurosurgeon. Gary R. Simonds, MD, FAANS and Wayne M. Sotile, PhD, are well-known spokespersons on physician wellness and resilience, having co-authored “The Thriving Physician: How to Avoid Burnout by Choosing Resilience Throughout Your Medical Career” and “Thriving in Healthcare: A Positive Approach to Reclaim Balance and Avoid Burnout in Your Busy Life.” They argue that being a neurosurgeon is difficult and challenging and that we need to train and prepare ourselves. Dr. Simonds states, “Everybody involved in health care are like elite athletes — they’re expected to perform their best every day.” Every day is “game day” for a neurosurgeon. This concept of perpetual peak performance is, on the one hand, completely unrealistic, but on the other hand, expected by society. An elite athlete doesn’t just walk onto the field and do that. They spend a great deal of time in preparation and injury prevention. Of course, they only have to perform once a week.

The concept of preparation for injury prevention is important for neurosurgeons. While much focus has been dedicated to the syndrome of burnout, there is another emerging concept important to the chronic stress of physicians: moral injury. Burnout should be considered an end-organ failure — it is a failure of our resilience. Moral injury is what causes that failure. The term moral injury first was used to describe soldiers’ responses to their actions in war. Journalist Diane Silver describes it as “a deep soul wound that pierces a person’s identity, sense of morality, and relationship to society.” Physicians may find it increasingly difficult to provide the care we want for our patients. This might occur due to misaligned priorities and barriers to delivering optimal, efficient care. As health care professionals, we are accountable to our patients, to ourselves and to our employers, but also beholden to payors for reimbursement for the care rendered. The goals of these various stakeholders are often divergent, leaving physicians feeling of lack of efficacy and frustration. The result may be considered a moral injury that results in the collapse of our resilience and leads to burnout.

This problem is bigger than us, and changes need to happen not only within health delivery organizations but also at the legislative level. We need leaders who recognize that caring for their physicians results in thoughtful, compassionate care for patients, which ultimately is good business. As Wendy Dean, MD and Simon G. Talbot, MD said in STAT News, “We need leadership that has the courage to confront and minimize those competing demands. Physicians must be treated with respect, autonomy, and the authority to make rational, safe, evidence-based, and financially responsible decisions.”

We also need self-compassion. As sensible as self-compassion sounds, physicians have difficulty with the idea as it sounds like self-pity or self-indulgence. Instead of mercilessly judging and criticizing oneself for various inadequacies or shortcomings, self-compassion means you are kind and understanding with yourself when confronted with personal failings. Take the time to visit this website on self-compassion.

If you want to know more about the concept of moral injury, listen to Zubin Damania, MD (ZDoggMD) — he says it best.

Editor’s note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to be part of the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #PhysicianBurnout.

Martina Stippler, MD, FAANS, FACS
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, Mass.

The Time Has Come to Bring Physician Wellness to the Forefront of Our Profession

By Burnout, Health, Work-Life BalanceNo Comments

I chose to be a neurosurgeon because I sought a life bringing healing to those with neurological diseases. After completing my training with a tremendous sense of pride, I was prepared to have an impact on patients and families in their time of greatest need and hopelessness. I ended each day with the knowledge that I had given my all. Like many others, I ignored fatigue and underestimated the accumulated trauma of occasions where I gave all I had, but the patient’s disease won. My blessings were my family, my resolve and my mission.

Eleven years ago, in an unanticipated instant, my resolve was gone and replaced by fear, hopelessness, and a sense of inadequacy. I lacked the skills to process emotions I had never acknowledged. I could not turn for support to loved ones lest I lose their respect. I was trapped. I was one of the grim statistics — a burned out and depressed physician. The administrative, clinical and personal stressors had whittled away my physical and mental reserves.

Every year almost 400 physicians die by suicide. Simply reading that sentence should be enough to give anyone who has dedicated their lives to helping and saving others cause for concern.

Two recent articles on burnout of U.S. neurosurgeons and neurosurgical residents found the burnout rate was 56.7% for neurosurgeons and 67% for residents. However, paradoxically 81.2% of neurosurgeons and 81% of residents say they are satisfied with their careers. Some of the factors associated with burnout for neurosurgeons included anxiety over future earnings and the ability to achieve work-life balance outside the hospital. For residents, the key factors were hostile faculty and social stressors outside work, such as debt.

Our work in neurosurgery involves the brain health of our patients, and integral to maintaining their brain health is taking care of ourselves while sustaining a work-life balance. A lot has changed in neurosurgical training and technology in recent decades. Now is the time to challenge the status quo. We need to raise awareness about physician wellness and remove the stigma and the tendency to keep physician burnout a secret. Burnout can lead to anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, marital and family stress, anger issues, addiction and substance abuse — any of which can lead to dissatisfaction and, ultimately, physicians ending their marriages, their careers and their lives.

Consider the following statistics:

  • Physicians are twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their work-life balance than the average working adult;
  • In 2015, almost 50% of physicians reported they were burned out;
  • Medical students’ rate of depression is 15 to 30% higher than that of the general public;
  • Physicians are more than twice as likely to take their own lives than the general population; and
  • Female physicians are 2.5 to 4 times as likely to die by suicide than women in other occupations.

We can, and should, do better. If we recognize and reduce the stressors that lead to burnout, we can create a supportive environment for physicians that fosters our own physical and mental well-being. This will allow us to provide the best quality care for our patients.

I know recovery is possible. I recovered through ultra-running, friendships, and other coping strategies. Acknowledging insecurities is vital, but it’s how we deal with them that is key. We should show compassion and kindness to ourselves and the members of the teams we lead.

My efforts over the past four years have been to help colleagues focus on wellness strategies and overcoming burnout. I have shared my story countless times with colleagues, medical students and staff. I do this to destigmatize burnout and let those facing pain in silence know they are not alone. I have also taken the empathy resultant from my pain and turned it into a career focused on healing for the vulnerable. In June 2018, I was recruited by Michigan State University (MSU) to help develop a safer and healthier campus following the trial and sentencing of former U.S. gymnastics and sports medicine physician, Larry G. Nassar, D.O., who went to prison for criminal acts of sexual assault. I help to develop strategic initiatives and programs to increase efficiency, safety, compliance and quality practices across all MSU’s health care services to ensure best practices and exemplary care in a learning and healing environment.

We also formed a wellness and patient experience committee. We developed a faculty peer support program to foster an environment that promotes healthy work-life balance, the continued physical and emotional development of our colleagues, role-modeling of professional and healthy behaviors, and compassionate recognition of unhealthy behaviors. Under the leadership of Claudia Finkelstein, MD, our peer support program offers a safe way for physicians impacted by adverse events, medical errors, litigation or other workplace stressors to talk about their experience and emotions with someone who has empathy from having “been there.” The goal is to ensure all physicians understand stress management and burnout prevention, and to make resources available to help.

We must all listen, learn and heal with each other to achieve a healthier, more peaceful and purposeful life with optimum performance in body, mind and spirit. We must remember we are never alone. And we must find hope even in the darkest moments for the lessons learned can give us insights on how to bring light to others.

Editor’s note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to be part of the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #PhysicianBurnout.

Anthony M. Avellino, MD, MBA
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Mich.

Burnout to Wellness: Dr. Joseph Maroon’s Journey to a Balanced Life

By Burnout, Health, Work-Life BalanceNo Comments

Joseph Maroon, MD, FAANS, tells an interesting story that sets the scene for his journey from burnout to wellness in his book, Square One: A Simple Guide to a Balanced Life.

FLIPPING HAMBURGERS and working at gas stations are jobs some people might do during the summer months in high school, or maybe to make a living if they haven’t pursued a higher education. I, however, did both of these jobs at the age of 41, after I’d been a successful neurosurgeon for over a decade. Decidedly out of order on a résumé, right? But exactly one week after serving as the chief neurosurgeon in an operating room at a premier teaching hospital in Pittsburgh, I was filling up 18-wheelers and figuring out how to use the deep fryer at a truck stop in the small town of Wheeling, located in West Virginia’s northern panhandle.

The reader immediately wants to know how he got to the truck stop, what the circumstances were, and, most importantly, did he make it back to neurosurgery. Fortunately, he did; however, Dr. Maroon’s journey of highs and lows were made public long before his recent book. For the last several decades, he has regularly used his own example of an Icarus-like fall as a teaching lesson for both residents and staff. To this end, it was also the subject of his presidential address — From Icarus to Aequanimitas — to the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) in 1986.

The stresses Dr. Maroon experienced as a neurosurgeon, the toll on his personal life and the concurrent physical as well as mental decline are today recognized as burnout. At the time, however, burnout was only a taboo topic whispered in the halls of medical institutes. Dr. Maroon famously recounts his story of overcoming burnout after rediscovering a childhood book, I Dare You, by William H. Danforth. In the book, Danforth relates a balanced life to a square, with each of the four sides being labeled as family, physical, work and religious. In a balanced square, each side would have equal length indicating the same participation in each category. Dr. Maroon relates how his “square” was a flatline EKG with his life totally consumed by work.

Using Exercise to Overcome Burnout and Depression

During his recovery from burnout, Dr. Maroon reconnected with his inner athlete. As a former collegiate All-American running back, he used physical exercise to help rebuild both his body and brain to overcome the depression that ensued with his burnout. His passion for exercise ultimately led to him becoming an 8-time Ironman Champion.

With a background in playing football, and realizing his own benefits for mental health with routine exercise, he became an advocate for team sports and exercise.

Burnout to Wellness Programs

As a living example of professional burnout, Dr. Maroon has worked with numerous neurosurgical residency programs, including his program at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), to advance the recognition and interventions needed to reduce burnout. Neurosurgery as a profession now speaks openly about burnout with the initiation of several wellness programs nationally,

At UPMC, Dr. Maroon, along with a group of senior faculty and residents, initiated a wellness program several years ago based, in part, on the concept of Danforth’s square. The following characterizes the UPMC Wellness Program goals:

  • Improve work/life balance;
  • Decrease psychological stress;
  • Increase social support through activities and mentorship; and
  • Improve general health and fitness by monitoring biomarkers of physical and psychological health.

A significant milestone for the program recently occurred with the dedication of the Maroon Fitness Center. The center is located within a dedicated room in the department with both aerobic and weight lifting equipment that can be accessed by both staff and residents 24-hours a day. Dr. Maroon continues to lecture on the subject of burnout prevention within UPMC and beyond. His leadership by example continues to be an inspiration for past, present and future generations of neurosurgeons.

Editor’s note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to be part of the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #PhysicianBurnout.

Nitin Agarwal, MD
Chief Resident
University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurological Surgery
Pittsburgh, Pa.



Jeffrey Bost, PA-C
Clinical Instructor in the Department of Neurosurgery at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Clinical Assistant Professor at Chatham University
Pittsburgh, Pa.

Physician Burnout in Neurosurgery: An Under-Recognized Phenomenon

By Burnout, Health, Work-Life BalanceNo Comments

As conversations about work-life balance are becoming more prevalent, and given the stresses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a renewed interest in the issue of physician burnout. Burnout is a long-term stress reaction marked by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a lack of sense of personal accomplishment. In recent years, the rising prevalence of burnout among clinicians — more than 50 percent according to a Medscape report — has led to probing questions on how it affects access to care, patient safety and care quality. Burned-out physicians are more likely to leave their practices or the practice of medicine altogether, which reduces patients’ access to and continuity of care. Burnout can also threaten patient safety and care quality when depersonalization leads to poor interactions with patients, and when burned-out physicians suffer from impaired attention, memory and executive function.

In addition to the impact of burnout on physicians and patients, according to a recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the health care system loses more than $4.8 billion a year due to this phenomenon. Although neurosurgeons work long hours, balance outpatient and inpatient practices, and deal with life and death issues, we have paid limited attention to burnout in this field.

For the next few weeks, Neurosurgery Blog will highlight the issue of burnout — including in the field of neurosurgery. Here are some staggering facts about burnout in neurosurgery:

  • A recent survey of 783 neurosurgeons found the rate of burnout to be 62.9 percent among nonacademic neurosurgeons and 47.7 percent for academic neurosurgeons;
  • Poor work-life balance, health care reform and financial uncertainty were the major factors contributing to career dissatisfaction; and
  • Burnout and depression — sometimes associated with emotional exhaustion — were a significant predictor of preventable major medical errors in a study using data from 7,905 members of the American College of Surgeons.

Among neurosurgeons, many factors were found to lower the chances of burnout. High volume surgeons, with stable families, who are intellectually challenged, with leadership roles and a good work-life balance, are more effectively shielded against burnout.

Understanding burnout will push more health care organizations to adopt strategies to protect their members from this phenomenon. Physician engagement will undoubtedly be crucial to the prevention of burnout. We must take the lead by being active and vocal for ourselves, our colleagues and our patients and fight against the forces that erode our mental health and the quality of our work.

Join us in an insightful journey, understanding burnout as it pertains to the field of neurosurgery. We aim to identify the reasons behind this phenomenon and the best strategies to prevent it or minimize its impact on the careers of neurosurgeons.

Editor’s note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to be part of the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #PhysicianBurnout.

Kimon Bekelis, MD
Vice-chair, AANS/CNS Communications and Public Relations Committee
Catholic Health Services of Long Island
West Islip, N.Y. 



Kristopher T. Kimmell, MD, FAANS
Vice-chair, AANS/CNS Communications and Public Relations Committee
Rochester Regional Health
Rochester, N.Y. 



Clemens M. Schirmer, MD, PhD, FAANS, FAHA
Chair, AANS/CNS Communications and Public Relations Committee
Wilkes Barre, Pa.