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Operation Warp Speed Archives - Neurosurgery Blog

Congressional Docs Urge Americans to Take Action and Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

By Congress, COVID-19, Guest Post, HealthNo Comments

Last year, the entire world was forced to face the COVID-19 pandemic head on. And now, we — the American people — have the opportunity to achieve peace of mind and live life as free as before by choosing to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Concerned for the health and safety of our nation, I recently joined some of my fellow colleagues in Congress — each of us are also health care professionals — in a public service announcement encouraging Americans to get vaccinated. Very soon we will have more COVID-19 vaccines than we have people willing to take it. In fact, almost half of adults in my home state of Kansas are uncertain about getting vaccinated.

Operation Warp Speed brought us safe and effective vaccines in record time. The process was rigorous and transparent, and a process that I personally followed very closely, resulting in a clear path to the eradication of the pandemic. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not skip any steps. Instead, the FDA cut bureaucratic red tape — not corners — and got the job done in record time. By now, over 200 million vaccines have been given in our country.

Doctors, nurses and pharmacists nationwide recommend the COVID-19 vaccine to their patients, and over 90% of doctors in the U.S. have already chosen to get vaccinated. But, we have much more work to do. I encourage all neurosurgeons, primary care doctors, nurses, and community pharmacists to discuss the vaccine with your patients. Who better to have that conversation than someone who knows their medical history and has their trust? As a physician from Small Town, USA, I’ve given critical advice to my patients facing a number of issues including getting a vaccine for disease prevention. The most respected advice comes from a person’s own health care provider or pharmacist, and it’s conversations with them that help make the best health decisions.

I look forward to the freedom I, along with my loved ones, will regain once the vast majority of Americans are vaccinated. If everyone does their part, in the coming weeks we will once again be able to worship together as a congregation, gather with extended family, and travel near and far with friends.

Please join me in watching and sharing this important message!

Editor’s Note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to join the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtags #VaccinesWork and #ThisIsOurShot.

U.S. Senator Roger W. Marshall, MD (Kansas)