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Gun Violence Archives - Neurosurgery Blog

Cross-Post: If Our Politicians Could See What We See: A Pediatric Neurosurgeon on Gun Violence

By Cross Post, PediatricsNo Comments

From time to time on Neurosurgery Blog, you will see us cross-posting or linking to items from other places that we believe will be impactful for our readers. Today’s post originally appeared in Time on June 23. Pediatric neurosurgeon John “Jay” Wellons, III, MD, FAANS, recounts his experience treating a patient hit in the skull by a bullet fired into a crowded playground. “As surgeons, we find ourselves left trying to fix the ghastly results of so much of this gun violence that seems endemic in our country,” Dr. Wellons states.

Dr. Wellons recounts how a colleague stood in an emergency department close to Sandy Hook Elementary years ago as the calls began to come in, he and his surgical team in medical gowns ready for the waves of injured children — waiting until they realized that no one survived to make it there. He concludes the article by saying, “Let me be clear, the death of children from any injury or any reason is heartbreaking, and the fact that gun-related death is the number one killer of our children, more than motor vehicle collisions and childhood cancer what our medical journals have been telling us over the last few months is a failure of our society and needs to be changed.”

Editor’s Note: The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) have long promoted education programs designed to prevent firearm injuries by teaching and encouraging proper firearm use, safety, storage and ownership responsibility. The AANS and the CNS praised Congress for passing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The neurosurgical groups believe that this gun safety legislation — which would expand background checks, restrict certain individuals from owning firearms and provide incentives for states to enact “red-flag” programs — is a crucial step in preventing tragic and senseless firearm deaths.

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