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Diversity Archives - Neurosurgery Blog

Cross-Post: Medical Student Tamia Potter Makes History

By Career, DEI, MentoringNo Comments

Our current series on Making and Maintaining a Neurosurgeon discusses how one transitions from student to resident to practicing neurosurgeon. In particular, we highlight what our field is doing to improve diversity and the importance of mentorship to those considering neurosurgery. How impactful can a mentor be? Incredibly. Especially when it comes to forging a path few before have traveled.

This cross-post highlights the impact mentorship had on one newly minted physician, Tamia Potter, MD, who just became the first black female neurosurgery resident at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Her story made headlines across the country, and she describes those who have inspired her along the way.

“As a child, watching my mom, a nurse, care for patients — I was always questioning why the body works the way it does,” said Dr. Potter. “I knew [then] I wanted to learn and understand how the brain and nervous system worked; I wanted to be a neurosurgeon.”

Only about 5.7% of physicians in the United States identify as Black or African American, according to recent data from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Potter stresses the importance of the many mentors who have been just as instrumental throughout medical school. She recognizes her responsibility as a mentor for future students, “I didn’t get here by myself.”

Click here to read the full article published by Case Western Reserve University.

Editor’s Note: We hope you will share what you learn from our posts in the Making and Maintaining a Neurosurgeon series. We invite you to join the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #Neurosurgery.

Krystal L. Tomei, MD, MPH, FAANS, FACS, FAAP
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Cleveland, Ohio

Neurosurgical Oncologists as Champions of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

By DEI, Neuro-oncology, Tumor SeriesNo Comments

Recent events of systemic discrimination have led to national introspection on the importance of tolerance and diversity. The tragic killing of George Floyd in May 2020 was a sentinel event that raised awareness of the pervasive nature of systemic discrimination and served as a significant impetus for positive change. This was a clear reminder that we still face substantial challenges to tolerance and equal treatment for all as a society. It is also a unique opportunity to reflect on our common purpose as humanity.

In the immediate aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s death, many organizations issued statements reaffirming their commitments to promoting and advancing diversity through anti-discriminatory policies and initiatives. On their part, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) released the following joint statement:

As a profession, we in neurosurgery aim to promote the highest quality of patient care and advance the specialty of neurosurgery and neurosurgical education while espousing the values of integrity, leadership, excellence, and professionalism. As organizations and as a profession, we are committed to inclusion and diversity within our neurosurgical community. As neurosurgeons, we are committed to providing the highest quality of care to all segments of our society. Indeed, our principles are only relevant to the extent they apply to the most disadvantaged in our society.

The Society of Surgical Oncologists (SSO) also released a similar statement:

The Society of Surgical Oncology condemns racism and violence in all forms. We recognize racism as an underpinning to health disparities, and recent events serve as a clarion call to all of us that there is a need to do more than what we do on a daily basis — provide the best cancer care to individual patients regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

Diversity requires the core elements of equity and inclusion. Equity requires deliberate, fair and just treatment of our patients and colleagues irrespective of their background. Inclusion requires a conscious effort in thoroughly engaging diverse patients and colleagues in all aspects of the care we deliver and the decisions that govern our care through tolerance. Through equity and inclusion, our colleagues and patients feel respected and valued.

A firm commitment to the core elements of diversity is critical to the impactful delivery of neurosurgical care to society’s most vulnerable members. In treating life-threatening disorders of the nervous system, neurosurgeons can positively impact patients from all works of life. To render the best possible care, neurosurgeons should understand the diverse patient population they serve in the context of race, gender and ethnicity. When we deliver neurosurgical care in an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding, we serve as role models to those who look up to us.

Neurosurgical oncologists are integral to cancer care in the central nervous system, one of the most critical battle lines in the fight against systemic cancer-related morbidity and mortality. Despite advances in oncology, there is still a considerable disparity in cancer care. Racial and ethnic minorities and lower socioeconomic patients are disproportionately impacted by cancer. As part of the multidisciplinary management of diverse patients with central nervous system tumors, neurosurgical oncologists perform surgeries, stereotactic radiosurgery and clinical trials. Therefore, it is imperative for neurosurgical oncologists to incorporate diversity-informed clinical decision-making approaches to positively impact cancer patients who are affected by health disparities. Moreover, neurosurgical oncologists should be mindful of the barriers and challenges to recruiting underrepresented minorities into clinical trials, given historical precedence of mistrust. Identifying, acknowledging and addressing such barriers would undoubtedly enhance participation.

From a workforce perspective, organized neurosurgical oncology should strive to reflect the diverse cancer patient population they serve. Concerted efforts are needed to diversify the pool of neurosurgeons. We should strive to attract, train and mentor neurosurgeons from under-represented groups into the subspecialty of neurosurgical oncology. If we embrace diversity efforts, we should also establish benchmarks to assess progress in this journey. Beyond diversity in its members’ composition in general, neurosurgical oncology should strive to include diverse membership and leadership in committees. Such diversity efforts will strategically position us to address the neurosurgical oncologic needs of a multifaceted society uniformly.

As a profession, we should strive for the ideals of diversity and its associated tenets of equity and inclusion. Neurosurgical oncologists are in a unique position to understand and reduce health disparities. Our patients deserve that from us. We should never forget that our future is only as bright as the future of the patients whom we serve.

Editor’s Note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to join the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery, @AANSDiversity and @NSTumorSection and using the hashtag #TumorSeries.

Arnold B. Etame, MD, PhD, FAANS

Moffitt Cancer Center

Tampa, Fla.

Diversity in Neurosurgery: Forcing Change Leads to Greater Success

By Career, Guest Post, Women in NeurosurgeryNo Comments

Should we take a stand to increase diversity? Yes! As neurosurgeons, we should talk about diversity in neurosurgery. If we don’t urge, even force change, it will not happen, or it will happen unbearably slowly. One hundred years into the history of neurosurgery, only 5% of all board-certified neurosurgeons are women. African-Americans are also underrepresented. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) calculates that African-Americans represent 4% of all active neurosurgeons in the U.S.

Why does diversity matter? There is a compelling business case to be made for supporting equity and striving for inclusion. Companies with 30% or more women in the C-suite have reported higher profits than companies without women in their leadership team. A diverse workforce brings diverse perspectives, experiences and skills to the table, and it pays off.

The benefits of diversity aren’t limited to the corporate world. Diversity of opinion leads to better outcomes and fosters innovation and creativity across a variety of disciplines. The diversity of our patients should be reflected in the physicians who provide them care. Although we are all the same under the scalpel — cultural, religious, socioeconomic, ethnic and racial differences play a significant role in patient-physician relationships and impact patient satisfaction, patient compliance and health care outcomes. As surgeons, we need to continually enhance our awareness of and ability to manage our biases and racial/ethnic identity. We need to apply our critical appraisal skills, honed to perfection, to treat our seriously ill patients, to recognize that both explicit (conscious) and implicit (subconscious) biases can stand in the way of increased diversity and inclusion and prevent some of our patients from having the best outcomes possible.

Although neurosurgery has a more diverse group of residents than ever before, we need to work hard to retain these residents long-term and make sure they succeed. Female gender is one of the leading factors associated with burnout and attrition in our specialty. This is not due exclusively to the long and unpredicted work schedules related to the specialty. Microaggressions, lack of collegial relationships and tolerance of unacceptable behavior by faculty should be considered as well. These insidious factors can fester in a workplace culture because of a lack of mechanisms and implicit barriers for reporting, such as fear of shame, retaliation, or not advancing. Many minorities experience overt and implicit forms of discrimination. This may be exhibited openly from patients who mistake someone for a nurse of a janitor or refuse care from a minority physician. Sadly, this can come in more hidden ways from peers who won’t put a resident in a challenging case because of race or gender.

It is not enough to focus on micro-level interventions — we also need to look at organizational structures and attitudes that push women and minorities away from neurosurgery. It has been shown that interventions focused on cultural competencies in health care organizations improved the hospital’s diversity climate. These interventions have focused, among other aspects, on diversity attitudes, implicit bias and racial/ethnic identity status. However, too many health care organizations and departments approach diversity with a sense of tokenism instead as a business imperative and driver of strategy.

In his 2004 bestseller, “Moneyball,” Michael Lewis wrote: “What begins as a failure of the imagination ends as a market inefficiency: when you rule out an entire class of people from doing a job simply by their appearance, you are less likely to find the best person for the job.” All medical specialties want to attract the best and brightest young people. Diversity strengthens neurosurgery. Attracting people with different strengths and backgrounds to our profession can help unleash new sources of talent and creativity that can only benefit our profession and our patients.

Editor’s note: We hope that you will share what you learn from our posts. We invite you to be part of the conversation on Twitter by following @Neurosurgery and using the hashtag #WomenInNeurosurgery and #CelebratingWINSat30.

Martina Stippler, MD, FAANS, FACS
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Boston, Mass.