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From time to time on the Neurosurgery Blog, you will see us cross-posting or linking to items from other places that we believe will interest our readers. We wanted to bring attention to a recent publication in Neurosurgery, the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.​ The article, “Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma in Neurofibromatosis Type 2: An International Multicenter Case Series of Response and Malignant Transformation Risk” was published as part of Neurosurgery’s High-Impact Manuscript Service (HIMS).

Published in the May issue of Neurosurgery, the article is a retrospective study conducted by an international, multicenter team. Lead author Hussam Abou-Al-Shaar, MD of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, Pa. and colleagues reviewed data from 12 surgical centers around the world and a total of 267 patients with 328 vestibular schwannomas who underwent stereotactic radiosurgery. They found that stereotactic radiosurgery is effective while preserving serviceable hearing and not causing radiation-related tumor development or malignant transformation.

According to the Wolters Kluwer press release, “Dr. Abou-Al-Shaar’s group concludes that their results point to the need for early treatment of vestibular schwannoma in patients with [neurofibromatosis type 2]. ‘Tumor volume appeared to significantly impact tumor control and freedom from additional treatment, advocating for early stereotactic radiosurgery to maximize benefits and delay clinical deterioration.’”

To read the Neurosurgery article, click here. The complete May issue is here.

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