The Congress Quarterly (cnsq) is the official newsmagazine of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) and is designed to reflect the changing nature of neurosurgery and foster discussion about the core being of the neurosurgeon, which is that of leadership, strength, innovation and the relentless pursuit to improve the care and quality of life of patients. Each issue explores a new topic critical to the core being of the neurosurgeon — from the liability crisis and regulatory issues to practice management topics and other issues that are reshaping neurosurgery.
In today’s post, we wanted to spotlight the recently released Spring 2019 issue of the Congress Quarterly, which explores a topic that is central to everything we do at CNS — education. Editor Martina Stippler, MD, and our volunteer authors explore everything from burnout in resident training and issues in patient education to the future of neurosurgical training and continuing medical education. The issue also highlights the recent changes in the American Board of Neurological Surgery’s certification program and profiles the critical work of volunteers in the CNS Education Division. Readers can also check out updates from the Washington office via its Washington Committee report.
To read the full issue, click here.