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AANS Spotlight – Neurosurgery: Metrics and Evidence-based Medicine

By March 31, 2015July 15th, 2024AANS Spotlight, Quality Improvement

AANSNeuroThe AANS Neurosurgeon is the official socioeconomic publication of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), and features information and analysis for contemporary neurosurgical practice. It focuses on topics related to legislation, workforce issues and practice management as they affect the specialty of neurosurgery. The February 2015 edition of AANS Neurosurgeon explores the impact of evidence-based medicine on the practice of neurosurgery.

In this era of the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) and Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Care Providers and Systems (HCAHPS), physicians are under incredible scrutiny to demonstrate the quality of the services they provide. Since the inception of the specialty, neurosurgeons have striven to innovate, seeking the best means possible to deliver exceptional patient care, and, it must be noted, they have done so with great success. The February 2015 issue of AANS Neurosurgeon discusses the theme, “Neurosurgery: Metrics and Evidence-based Medicine.” Articles in this issue address the following questions: What does it truly mean to practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the field of neurosurgery? Which is the best way to determine the efficacy of new approaches: randomized controlled trials or clinical registries? How do neurosurgeons learn to evaluate studies from an evidence-based perspective? Beyond the realm of academic medicine, what can those in private practice do to participate — realistically?

Some highlights of the issue:

Elsewhere in the issue, readers can check out additional theme-related articles, as well as interviews with practicing neurosurgeons, book reviews and updates from the Washington, D.C., office via its “Washington Watch” column.

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