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AANS Spotlight: Pediatric Neurosurgery’s Ever-changing Challenges

By May 2, 2014July 15th, 2024AANS Spotlight, Emergency Care, Health

10154150_746762292008288_1126836522_nThe AANS Neurosurgeon is the official socioeconomic publication of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), and features information and analysis for contemporary neurosurgical practice. It focuses on issues related to legislation, workforce issues and practice management as they affect the specialty of neurosurgery. The spring 2014 issue of AANS Neurosurgeon focuses on the complex world of pediatric neurosurgery.

Pediatric neurosurgery is multi-faceted, in part because of the age of the patient, as well as the relationship that develops between the neurosurgeon, the patient and the family. This issue explores a number of critical concerns facing the subspecialty, such as the question of whether or not pediatric neurosurgery should only be performed in children’s hospitals, or how to handle the transition of a patient from a pediatric to adult physician. The issue also delves into a more global view of how pediatric neurosurgery is performed throughout various parts of the world, with international perspectives from Egypt, Nigeria, and the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Cambodia, respectively.

We invite you to take a look at the following feature and department articles highlighting the challenges that this pediatric subspecialty faces:

Elsewhere in the issue, readers can check out new peer-reviewed research, book reviews, and updates from the Washington, D.C., office via its “Washington Watch” column. And as always, the “Neuros in the News” section features neurosurgeons and institutions on the move, from recent appointments to expanding departments and new neurosurgical centers.

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