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CBO Releases its “Not So Pretty” 2013 Long-Term Budget Outlook

Now that the dog days of summer have ended, those of us in and around Washington have returned to face the same budget battles Congress put off earlier in the year.  Dare we say it, but the words debt ceiling, sequester, and government shutdown are now once again back on the docket.

As such, we wanted to draw your attention to CBO’s yearly long-term budget report, “The 2013 Long-Term Budget Outlook.”  According to the report, in the short-term the deficit is expected to decline, but when looking at it over the long-term, the federal deficit balloons out of control as a result of “increasing interest costs and growing spending for Social Security and the government’s major health care programs (Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and subsidies to be provided through the health insurance exchanges).”

Given the role government healthcare programs will play in this equation, we also wanted to highlight the CBO Blog which has written a variety of interesting blog posts related to this topic.  Listed below are the ones we found to be well worth the read.

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