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Social Media Adds Valuable Knowledge to a Physician’s Toolbox

By November 19, 2012July 15th, 2024HCSM, Healthcare Social Media

It’s no secret that the social media revolution is dramatically impacting the way we communicate.  And, according to a recent study by the Journal of Medical Research, it turns out that many physicians are using social media to exchange medical information (and before you say it, no, we’re not talking about the HIPAA kind of stuff – think research people).

The survey asked physicians to identify the factors that influence their use of social media as a component of their lifelong learning and continuing professional development.  The study found that:

  • 60% said that social media improves the quality of care they deliver;
  • 58% said they think social media to be beneficial and a good way to get current, high-quality information;
  • 46% said that they contribute new content via social media on a weekly basis; and
  • 14.2% said that they contribute new information via a social media platform at least once daily.

So what does this all mean? Well, it’s pretty safe to say that social media will never supersede the more traditional methods of research for providers, but it does add valuable knowledge to a physician’s toolbox.  Food for thought.

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